Monday, November 22, 2010

How to Winterize Your Sprinkler System

Step 1: Turn your water off to your sprinkler system to include your clock.

Step 2: Set up your air pump next to your main sprinkler valves. Run an extension cord if needed. I like to wear ear muffs when doing this because of the noise.

Step3:Connect your air pump hose to your sprinkler line and and close off a line while your air compressor builds up pressure to 100LBS.

Step 4: Once you've reached 100IBS it's time to open one solenoid valve at a time and open the solenoid valve by hand and then open up the air compressor valve insuring the air is being pushed out of the sprinkler heads. You will see water being released and when the water is out you will only hear air. This may take two to three times per solenoid.See my how I did this article.

Step 5: Once you blow all the lines out you will need to open all the solenoid valves and open the drain valve in the pit, if you have one

Winterise a Sprinkler System

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